Wednesday 10 December 2008

thinking too hard

I am thinking too hard.....
about a spin around the dancefloor
a nativity play on show within the week.
making sure everyone is visited and given a gift for xmas
bah humbug. bring on next week.... i need a break from thinking!

Monday 8 December 2008

im too tired to write today

Im Too tired to write anything today. My brain is fuzzy , i think I may have killed too many brain cells at Saturday's staff party. It was fun to jump around to the specials' too much too young with the school caretaker.... ha ha that cleared the dancefloor apart from us!
I have been very random and unprepared all day , I just want the end of term and the xmas hols to come...... now please!

Friday 5 December 2008

being tipsy

Its weird being a bit tipsy..... have been ill for a few days and probably shouldnt have had a drink , but. everything outside is noisier....
i shouldnt be allowed on the web when drunk as am prone to being too honest ha ha
... its our works xmas do tomorrow and staying at bursars house , she is a notherner too which is having our own private language really ... have been really down last few days , probably because of being ill , although i also think it is fear of moving on ....
i didnt find it hard tp leave home or to leave england though .....
i guess i just have to face up to it....
i feel better today . i slept for hours .i felt powerless when my voice was going. had a weird lump....its ok i am me again.... panic over, theres nothing to see here move along!

Monday 1 December 2008

Just spent the last hour or so using audacity to edit the kids mp3s of their myst writing. I was pretty impressed. I have layered it over the soundtrack and wioll play it to them tomorrow at some point. I also tried videoing them, ,but my rubbish camera let me down on the sound quality so will try again with the school camcorder...
That is all I have done tonight, but I feel it has been worthwhile...

Wednesday 26 November 2008

the news from the Sun

    title="Wordle: the news from the sun">    src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

i read the news today oh Boy!

from the beeb

Bad day

Today I got deja vu to last year... when i had a really hard time with my class. nothing wold work they wouldnt be quiet, fussing over everything, shouting out. My new class have been brilliant . I started the year with confidence again, full of enthusiasm and ideas.I have just had a new kid into the class, he is very confident and quite cocky and now my class are a nightmare.....
I am already starting to feel like I am not doing a good job , despite a really fun literacy lesson using myst....
Im just thining out loud, its not the kids fault, its the other boys vying for friendship and showing off. Its quite weird to watch how they have all just changed...
tomorrow i will be organised and lay down the law etc.....
I have gotten lazy, I think i can just wing it..... I can't
I need to get better not worse before i move on to my new school....pull yr socks up girl.....

Sunday 23 November 2008

back in the land of the living

I hate being ill!
always feel so useless ,but on Thursday morning having tried to teach a stranegly succesful maths session on 24 hjour clock , my body started to protest and I was sent home..... very weird driving home in a kind of trance as i was so damn tired. I just managed to get in and then crawled to bed and stayed there.
On Friday I made it to the sofa. I watched lots of episodes of father ted, they cheered me up . I wondered how the kids at school were getting on, but strangely not so much the staff.
Saturday I ventured to the co op at the top of my street. It was too much for me and I lay back on my snug sofa for another 3 hours to recover.
Saturday night Mike ordered take away I didnt protest... the tofu was not good , but the chilli beef was lovely
Sunday stayed in bed until 11 . finished my book which I really enjoyed even though i worked out who dunnit before the end.
Feel much better now , throat not that sore anymore and I just have a normal bog standard back to school tomorrow and then off to my new school afterwards ....
I hate being ill Im behind on everything now.....oh well

Wednesday 19 November 2008


just thinking what a tricky concept to teach....
time , so many ways of using it, wasting it, saying it , etc
i don;t really know how they got it ( the kids that is ) but looking at their work most of them did . tomorrow we tackle 24 hour clock... someone said to me you can't do that unless they can tell all times on an analogue clock... why would that be? surely you need to know all times. I dont think that there is a true progression. lots of children will find the digital representation of time easier to read than analogue anyway....
Lets just give it a go anyway..... Im brave enough. see tomorrow what happens ha ha

Ok time to go and lock up i think .....
the radiator is still creaking!

radiator creaking

here I am in an empty classroom , marking work and resting my weary voice. Its been a busy but good day, we had fun manipulating photographs to create imaginary worlds , although in reality the kids did exactly what i would do when introduced to anew toy and played all afternoon.... let them get it out of their systems thats what i say...
I don't believe in setting strict guidelines for this kind of thing , they will soon learn by doing and looking at what others have created....
am loving wordle for some classroom work on adjectives , we built a lovely wordcloud together and it really helped the children see some unusual and exciting adjectives in another way...
I have a headache and a sore throat . I am worried my husband is not having a good time at work and it is stressing me out... I dont know what to say or do to make it better....

Saturday 8 November 2008

November November

Its been a busy old week , My sister had her little girl Holly on Tuesday which is brilliant, all went well . She has a definite Strike nose . its a family trait although I don't have it , its on my dad's side . I have an interview for a job , only applied last weekend . Its a bit scary as if I get it I will move from my very familiar and comfortable job where I am now , to a new school which is bigger.and as yet I con't know anyone or what the people will be like. It is nearer to home though and I love the idea of cycling to work rather than driving for 40 mins there and getting stuck in traffic etc, plus it is time for a change.
So I have booked a very hurried haircut appointment for later on.
I am also attending my first stitch and bitch group today at the labour club , again an attempt to meet more people and do new things. I am quite into making stuff, It detracts from the fact that I have no money to buy stuff.. Although i spend a lot of time thinking what I will make , but rarely actually do it.... ha ha

Friday 15 February 2008

here today

Never done a blog before so here goes. Just sitting here watching ( or listening to father ted) and drinking red wine..I thought I would post a blog to log my journey through a book/course the artist's way and also to ramble on about other stuff. Its really for me , but I am happy if you wish to comment on anything I say ( as long as its polite!)