i have just spent the best part of an hour in my cellar bagging up crap that has accumulated over the years. I have been quite ruthless and damn does it feel good.
Some freinds of mine recently found they had rot in the house and it came from the cellar they were forced to throw away a lot of stuff , some of it quite precious to them.
I would rather this doesn't happen to me so I made an effort to bag up stuff today which i can then send to the tip or freecycle etc...
Its amazing what is down there. all my notes from my PGCE ,( which i completed 6 years ago!)
crappy little trinkets and stuff which " might come in useful" hmm i don't think it did unless haveing extra stuff in the cellar helps with insulation. Anyway I am just having a tea break and then I will continue. My dream would be to completely gut it and have it properly tanked out and made into a room.... yes that would be nice....
It would be bigger than my current space where i have my yoga mat and meditation bits....
hmm i can dream can't I !

I did find some old film and negatives from when i lived in japan and letters from Mike.... I am going to put them somewhere proper in a box labelled . like memories should be ... i might get one of those negative converter thingys ...
Oh i spent an hour washing my car and my bike , worked really hard on them both ......
then it pissed down !
cheers for that weather!
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